Be The Real You with Dr Bach Flower Remedies

Joanne Sumner

(in Philosophy/Self-Improvement)

How to Find Peace and Joy in Your Life

Joanne’s forthcoming book “Be The Real You” tells her story of profound healing through the flower remedies. She delves into each of the remedy-psyches and shares how these simple flowers offer real solutions to a busy and stressful world. She invites you into becoming your most authentic self and finding peace and flourishing there.

In the early 20th century, Dr Edward Bach discovered 38 remedies to help you heal. He believed that you get ill when your personality loses contact with your soul’s purpose in this life, or when you believe you are separate from others and from the whole.

Dr Bach believed that if you could heal your day to day habitual responses to life’s dramas, and your longer term conditioning, that you could reveal the soul lesson you are here to learn in this lifetime. He believed this knowledge was the key to human flourishing and health.

Joanne has been exploring these ideas and using the remedies with clients for more than a decade, after studying and teaching for one of the major manufacturers Healing Herbs Ltd., and lecturing in flower remedies at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. She is in addition a certified Human Potential Coach, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, and Reiki Master.

The book is suitable for complete beginners to flower remedies through to experienced practitioners, both in vibrational essences and other modalities. It will help you deepen your understanding of your own personality, and equip you to deal with your quirks and challenges and motivate you to step into your potential. You will also learn why those around you behave as they do, empowering you to bring more compassion and effectiveness to your interactions.

Trailer Coming Soon