The Adventures of Superhero Dan: Dan Goes to the Zoo

Rachael Williams

(in Short Story)

The Adventures of Super Hero Dan: Dan Goes to the Park 

Autism affects millions of children worldwide, yet not many people are aware of how much struggle individuals on the autism spectrum face day in and day out. Whilst some will go on and lead an independent life, others will need constant care due to their long life disability.

And if this isn't enough, their parents feel isolated and judged because of lack of knowledge of what autism is and how it affects people. Often, because a child may not look ‘autistic’, they and their behaviour in public are judged as ‘Naughty’ or ‘Awkward’. A little more understanding of autism can go a long way in accepting it, even embracing it. 

There are many children books where the main character is always a prince, a princess, an animal or even a supernatural creature, but none in which the protagonist has a disability.

Why not have a book whose superhero is autistic? It would make it easier for parents to help their autistic children be aware of their diagnosis and not feel alone or ashamed because of it. 

But, most importantly, it would give children with autism the opportunity to grow up in a realistic world, where they read books with stories in which the heroes are exactly like them. 

The Adventures of Superhero Dan is a child and family-friendly book series to help people understand and raise awareness about Autism. It aims to:

  • Highlight difficult situations and challenges Autistic individuals face 
  • Help others recognise such challenges and build a better, kinder relationship with Autistic people 
  • Educate children, autistic or not, about inclusion in a non-invasive and fun way
  • Raise awareness about Autistic as a condition

Asking questions that educate the reader or the supervisor such as, “Why is it that Dan cannot speak?” though it cannot change the world, it can make a difference, however small. It is how real change starts.

The Adventures of Super Hero Dan: Dan Goes to the Zoo deals with another question crucial to Autism: Sensory Processing Disorder

What this means is that Autistic people are sensitive to loud noises, certain fabrics, the brightness of the sun or lights and even textures of food. They also struggle in overcrowded places. 

Dan visiting the Zoo, a common day attraction loved by all, it highlights how Dan will tolerate being in an overcrowded environment. There, in the open, he is exposed to noise and the brightness of the sun and he will have to put measures in place to counter it all.

Will Dan save the day? Will he find his favourite animal who has gone missing? He is a superhero and it’s standard procedure! But the big question is how? That's for you to find out.

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